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Jeanette Hausner

By: Jeanette Hausner on October 19th, 2016

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4 Ways Marketing Automation Can Help Grow Your Organization

Lead Generation & Growth Strategies | Marketing Automation

mailto:demo@example.com?Subject=HighRoad Solutions - interesting article


We have been hearing a lot about marketing automation these days.  But there are quite a few misconceptions still floating around.  One of the most common is the mistaken belief that marketing automation is too complex a tool for smaller marketing teams to be able to set up and maintain effectively.  Actually nothing could be further from the truth.  Marketing automation is an ideal solution for smaller teams who have limited time and resources.  This is because a major benefit of marketing automation is to allow marketers to do more in less time.  We have found an article, written by Molly Hoffmeister over at Salesforce, that dispels four common myths and shows us instead how marketing automation can help grow organizations both large and small.

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If you would like to learn more about marketing automation check out our Marketing Automation Workshop Resource page.

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