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Blog Feature

By: Abigail Conlon
June 19th, 2017

smartphone-1184865_1280.pngEveryday millions of us receive emails that are marked as spam or tossed in the trash. Often time these emails aren’t personalized, however, personalization can improve clickthrough rates and increase trust and connection with members. If you want to learn more about personalization, check out my blog from last week, “The Perks of Personalization”. In short, personalization is rather simple but its benefits are plentiful. By personalizing a message, members are more likely to open and engage with emails, even if just out of curiosity. After all, it should be a no brainer for your platform to pull an individual’s name and insert it into an email. Along with personalization, creating compelling content is also important as it engages members and furthers them through the buyer’s journey.