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Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
November 18th, 2016

The definition of marketing continues to evolve and the role of marketers continue to expand.  There was a time when marketers were simply brand builders.  With rapid advances in technology, today's marketer is also responsible for driving, scaling, and tracking growth.  Marketers are now in a position where they can reach out to all their customers and leads in a more personalized way, across multiple channels, with greater effectiveness.  Marketing automation makes this possible.  There is, however, still a lot of confusion about marketing automation.  So we put together an eBook on the basics, to give you a clearer understanding of what is involved.  Our eBook "Understanding Marketing Automation" explains what it really is and why you need it.  The information provided will give you a clear understanding about the benefits of marketing automation, as well as what the future holds for this technology.  This eBook is a valuable resource designed for association marketers and business professionals to further your understanding of marketing automation.

Blog Feature

By: Jeanette Hausner
November 9th, 2016

The vast majority of organizations today are utilizing content marketing as part of their overall marketing strategy.  But not all content is created equal.  Which types of content will be most effective for your organization depends upon your goals and resources.  The infographic below lists 11 popular content types with the benefits and considerations associated with each one.