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Blog Feature

By: Katie Campbell
July 31st, 2017

Social media marketing is something your association has either been using for years now and you have believe you have it mastered, or its one of those things that has always been a good idea, and something that is “on the roadmap”. No matter what scenario you find yourself in today, here are some tips and tricks on how to take your social media content to the next level (with minimal to no extra effort from you!).

Blog Feature

By: Leslie Schiff
June 8th, 2017


On July 1, 2017, the Private Right of Action (“PAR”) provision of the Canadian Anti-Spam Law (CASL) allowing individuals the right to file suit against spammers takes force, bringing with it fines of up to $10M per violation. For those of you working in associations, with membership open to Canada, there are some things to keep in mind, to ensure compliance when interacting with Canadian subscribers after the upcoming cut-off date.